Widex Unique: des aides auditives à couper le souffle!

Publié le mercredi 27 janvier 2016 à 21:08

Dernières nées de la société WIDEX, les aides auditives high-tech Unique atteignent un niveau de performances encore jamais égalées!

Une adaptation automatique à l'environnement sonore, l'élimination du bruit de vent quasi intégral, un design miniaturisé et une fiabilité à toute épreuve, en font les aides auditives parmi les plus performantes du marché en 2016.

Audition Pédarregaix et Audition Donibane vous proposent une présentation personnalisée ainsi que des essais à domicile pendant plusieurs semaines afin de vous prouver que vos attentes en termes de qualité sonore, de confort en toutes situations et de compréhension de la parole optimale, sont accessibles aujourd'hui.

Prenez rendez vous dès que possible et redécouvrez le plaisir d'une audition sans compromis!  

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  • Mémoire utilisée par PHP : 2,91 Mo
  • Pic mémoire allouée par PHP : 4,08 Mo
  • Temps d'execution du script : 0.311 s
  • Lang : fr
  • Path : noticias-widex-unique-des-aides-auditives-a-couper-le-souffle
  • Route : newsItem
  • $okt->page->module : news
  • $okt->page->action : item
ID Query Time
SET NAMES utf8mb4
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AS g ON g.group_id=u.group_id LEFT JOIN
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WHERE u.id=1
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logged, csrf_token, prev_url) VALUES (1,'',
1737197934, 'f55c33f54423ef7712dfdd67ccfa1883f64d0f84',
UPDATE oktoV3_mod_news SET active = 1
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UPDATE oktoV3_mod_news SET active = 0
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"0000-00-00 00:00:00" 
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SELECT p.id, p.user_id, p.category_id, p.active, p.selected,
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pl.content_short, pl.meta_description, pl.meta_keywords,
pl.words, u.username, u.lastname, u.firstname, rl.title AS
category_title, rl.slug AS category_slug, r.items_tpl AS
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r.id=rl.category_id AND rl.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND
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p.created_at DESC 
SELECT m.*, 
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ml.title_tag, ml.title_seo, ml.slug, ml.meta_description,
ml.meta_keywords, ml.content FROM oktoV3_mod_map AS m  LEFT
JOIN oktoV3_mod_map_locales AS ml ON m.id=ml.id_map AND
ml.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND ml.language='fr' AND
m.active=1 ORDER BY m.created_at DESC 
SELECT p.id, p.user_id, p.category_id, p.active,
p.created_at, p.updated_at, p.images, p.files, p.tpl,
p.position, pl.language, pl.title, pl.subtitle,
pl.title_tag, pl.title_seo, pl.slug, pl.content,
pl.meta_description, pl.meta_keywords, pl.words, rl.title AS
category_title, rl.slug AS category_slug, rl.title_tag AS
category_title_tag, r.items_tpl AS category_items_tpl,
p.recipients_to, p.recipients_cc, p.recipients_bcc,
p.from_to, p.captcha, p.conversion_google, p.from_copy,
pl.subject FROM oktoV3_mod_pages AS p  INNER JOIN
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r.id=rl.category_id AND rl.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND
pl.language='fr' AND p.active=1 ORDER BY p.created_at DESC 
SELECT p.id, p.user_id, p.category_id, p.active, p.selected,
p.created_at, p.updated_at, p.end_at, p.images, p.files,
p.tpl, p.visit, pl.language, pl.title, pl.subtitle,
pl.title_tag, pl.title_seo, pl.slug, pl.content,
pl.content_short, pl.meta_description, pl.meta_keywords,
pl.words, u.username, u.lastname, u.firstname, rl.title AS
category_title, rl.slug AS category_slug, r.items_tpl AS
category_items_tpl FROM oktoV3_mod_news AS p  LEFT OUTER
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pl.language='fr'  LEFT OUTER JOIN oktoV3_mod_news_categories
AS r ON r.id=p.category_id  LEFT OUTER JOIN
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r.id=rl.category_id AND rl.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND
pl.language='fr'  AND
ORDER BY p.selected DESC, p.created_at DESC 
UPDATE oktoV3_mod_news SET visit=visit+1 WHERE id=13
SELECT m.*, 
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ml.title_tag, ml.title_seo, ml.slug, ml.meta_description,
ml.meta_keywords, ml.content FROM oktoV3_mod_map AS m  LEFT
JOIN oktoV3_mod_map_locales AS ml ON m.id=ml.id_map AND
ml.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND m.id = 2  AND ml.language='fr'
AND m.active=1 ORDER BY m.created_at DESC 
SELECT m.* FROM oktoV3_mod_map_element AS m WHERE 1  AND
m.id_map = 2 AND m.active=1  AND m.type NOT
IN("marker","markerAddress") ORDER BY m.created_at DESC 
SELECT m.* FROM oktoV3_mod_map_element AS m WHERE 1  AND
m.id_map = 2 AND m.active=1  AND m.type
IN("marker","markerAddress") ORDER BY m.created_at DESC 
SELECT f.id, f.active, f.type, f.category, f.ord, f.html_id,
f.colonne, f.picto, f.options, f.info_personnelle, fl.title,
fl.legend, fl.description, fl.value FROM
oktoV3_mod_contact_fields f LEFT JOIN
oktoV3_mod_contact_fields_locales AS fl ON fl.field_id=f.id
AND fl.category=f.category WHERE 1  AND f.active>0  AND
f.category = "insert" AND fl.language='fr' ORDER BY ord ASC 
# type fichier ligne classe fonction message
# 1  Warning /www/ca3843/www/oktInc/classes/themes/class.oktThemeBase.php 876 oktDebug errorHandler Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE

#0 oktThemeBase->setAnalytics( called at [/oktInc/classes/themes/class.oktThemeBase.php:64]

#1 oktThemeBase->init( called at [/oktInc/classes/themes/class.oktThemeBase.php:58]

#2 oktThemeBase->__construct( called at [/oktInc/public/prepend.php:46]

#3 require_once( called at [/oktPrepend.php:17]

#4 require_once( called at [/oktopus.php:17]

# 2  Warning /www/ca3843/www/oktInc/classes/html/class.html.css.php 363 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 htmlCss->autoCompileLess( called at [/oktInc/classes/html/class.html.css.php:261]

#1 htmlCss->getHtmlLessFiles( called at [/oktInc/classes/html/class.html.css.php:94]

#2 htmlCss->getCss( called at [/oktThemes/default/templates/main.php:79]

#3 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#4 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#5 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#6 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:117]

#7 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#8 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:117]

#9 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#10 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/news/inc/class.news.controller.php:459]

#11 newsController->newsItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#12 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]